Wukan village in China is under siege. Twenty thousand people in Wukan, in South China, protesting human rights abuses and resisting land grab, are now surrounded by numerous police and army. Police constructed moot around the Village, isolating it from the outside world. Their food supply has been cut off and it is unlikely they can hold out for 10 days. People who attempt to leave the village for work was arrested. The 20,000 Wukan residents have revolted against the power monopoly in the village, and demanded the return of their land and fair election of village leaders. The land they live on was sold by the government without their knowledge and consent.
Their attempt to elect their own officials and self-governing bodies, was denounced by China’s government as “illegal”. Worse still, the Chinese government arrested five of their representatives and one of them, Xue Jinbo died the third day in police custody -a result of torture. The government even refused to return the body of Xue Jinbo to his family for burial. The other four villages in custody were not allowed to be visited and people suspected that some already died. News of the Wukan siege has been completely censored inside China. Chinese internet police has left no-trace of the unprecedented protest.
Wukan is not alone in China. Thousands of villages are treated like that. Any minimal democratic effort is crushed by military police in the name of "maintaining stability." By using military might against their own people, denying them food and isolating the protesting villages, China’s dictators want to force local citizens to submit. But, Chinese people want democracy and human rights as much as others do, just like Egyptians, Liberians and Tunisians. We, Chinese, need your support just like Arab states, need the attention and spirit of the democratic world to help in our democratic effort.
Free Wukan! Return their land to the villagers! Get rid of police and armies surrounding Wukan! Recognize the democratic institutions that Wukan people themselves elected! People in the world please lend a hand to the pioneering democratic villagers in China. Wukan represents 99% of Chinese people.
National Committee Democratic Party of China
Desember 18 2011
Note: Wukan protest has been covered by major international news outlets, including BBC, New York Times, AP, Reuters and more. For the moment, international press--sneaked in stealthily--is in fact the only press on the ground of Wukan to bring news to the world.


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