世界各地的艺术家在change.org上组织了一场“释放艾未未全球百万人大签名”活动。愚蠢的中共又像以前对付中文异议网站一样,不光是在防火长城上进行屏蔽,还悍然对chang e.org发动了拒绝服务攻击,导致change.org瘫痪。 美国人与中国人好忍耐的性格不一样, 他们立即将此事报告给了美国国务院以及联邦调查局,要求协助调查。而且几乎各大媒体都跟进报道了。客观上进一步放大了“ 释放艾未未”活动影响力!
现在收到change的群发邮件, 看内容应该是发给所有在change上注册的用户(chang e.org上办的活动很多, 有很多只是呼吁大家关注教师待遇,关注环境保护等等)现在因为中共的行为,change不得不给所有注册用户发送邮件,一方面是解释近期网站访问异常的原因,另外一个,号召大家关注艾未未。
现在中共是左右为难,骑虎难下了。再不释放艾未未的话,全世界有创意的艺术家都有创作题材了。 惹到艺术家算中共倒霉!希望好莱坞尽快以艾未未为原型创作电影,所有热爱自由的人们都会去观看!
P.S. 最新情况:北京时间2011年2月22日凌晨3点,change.org又再被高强度攻击,导致网站根本无法提供服务。
Dear Lengfeng ,
The petition demanding the release of Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has nearly 100,000 signatures.
Here's how we know it's really gotten Beijing’s attention: For the past four days, the Change.org website has been repeatedly targeted by cyber attacks coming from China that aim to bring our site down, which would keep people from signing the petition.
Our engineers are working around the clock to fend off the attacks and, for now, the petition is still up.
We need to let the Chinese government know that illegal tactics from within its borders won't stop the mounting pressure on them to release Weiwei. If you haven't already, please click here to share the petition on Facebook to keep spreading the word.
To recap: Acclaimed dissident artist Ai Weiwei -- who helped design the famed “Bird’s Nest” stadium for China’s Olympics -- was arrested on April 3rd by Chinese security forces at the Beijing airport. His office and studio have been ransacked, and no one has heard from him since.
The international art community banded together, demanding his release -- and the directors of more than twenty leading museums (including the Tate Modern, Museum of Modern Art, and the Guggenheim) started a petition on Change.org that has garnered worldwide attention, including in the New York Times, LA Times, and Guardian.
The campaign has helped to give rise to an international outcry. Political leaders around the world are calling for Weiwei's release and activists have organized peaceful protests at Chinese embassies and consulates.
Though China is desperate to silence its critics, the pressure to free Weiwei continues to grow. You can help by asking five friends to sign the petition:
Autocratic governments know that the internet is a democratizing force, and they'll do everything they can to suppress online activism. Know that we stand with you for change, and that we will continue to fight to make sure your voice can be heard.
- Patrick and the Change.org team
P.S. Due to these repeated attacks, our site may be slower than usual or unavailable at times over the next few days. Thanks for your patience.
[中国茉莉花革命发起者 http://molihuaxingdong.blogspot.com]原创, 转载请注明出处
[欢呼中国茉莉花革命 chinajasminerevolution.blogspot.com]